Plants that Feed the World: Sauropus androgynus, more than meets the eye!

Sauropus androgynus is a humid loving shrub that originates in the tropics. It can be found in abundance in the understory of the rainforests especially in Asia. We have successfully grown this gorgeous and EDIBLE perennial in our Gardens at Fifield as a summer green.

During our Plant Propagation labs, students were able to take cuttings and bring home the start of one for themselves! Many of the participants were brave and took a bite of the leaves which are commonly eaten due to their nutrition value. Most described a "nutty" flavor and that the texture resembles spinach leaves. 

According to ECHO, "A ½ cup (100 gm) serving of fresh Katuk leaves supplies 22% of the daily requirement for vitamin A and is a substantial source of vitamin C (138% of daily requirement)." This astonishing fact explains why it is so popular to eat when other sources of these requirements cannot be grown.

The health benefits are terrific, the shrub itself is very pleasing to the eye, but did we mention the flowers?! These beautiful blooms are almost hidden under the leaves so if you see one in person make sure to lift up and check for them!



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